pátek 7. ledna 2011

How to start HSQLDB with Maven

To start HSQLDB with maven you have to add HSQLDB dependancy to your pom.xml file.


After this go to command line and start this command:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.hsqldb.Server -D"exec.args=-database.0 file:target/data/caveat-emptor"

  • exec:java will start JVM
  • -D is telling that given parameter is directly send to JVM (it is not for MVN)
  • exec.mainClass will start main method from class org.hsqldb.Server
  • exec.args will send given arguments to main method of Server class

čtvrtek 6. ledna 2011

Where are Spring framework sample application's source codes

According to "Spring Security - Tutorial: Adding Security to Spring Petclinic" web page you can find source codes for Spring's sample applications at SVN:


Your find there following samples:
  • spring-samples/configuration-basic
  • spring-samples/jpetstore
  • spring-samples/mvc-ajax
  • spring-samples/mvc-basic
  • spring-samples/mvc-showcase
  • spring-samples/petcare
  • spring-samples/petclinic
  • spring-samples/petclinic-groovy
  • spring-samples/task-basic
  • spring-samples/templates
  • spring-samples/travel
  • spring-samples/webflow-primefaces-showcase
  • spring-samples/webflow-richfaces-showcase